API reference

Mocking QueryBuilder

We can create queryBuilder in different ways. Let's see how we can create it:

dataSource.createQueryBuilder(User, 'user')
dataSource.manager.createQueryBuilder(User, 'user')

It doesn’t matter which approach you choose to fetch data using queryBuilder, mocking would remain the same. Here’s how you can mock it:


it('should return the correct user', async () => {
  const typeorm = new MockTypeORM()
  typeorm.onMock(User).toReturn('user', 'getOne')

  const queryBuilder = dataSource.createQueryBuilder(User, 'user')
  const user = await queryBuilder.where('user.id = 1').select().getOne()

  // These are not necessary by the way. This is just to make you understand
  expect((queryBuilder.where as SinonStub).callCount).toEqual(1)
  expect((queryBuilder.select as SinonStub).callCount).toEqual(1)
  expect((queryBuilder.getOne as SinonStub).callCount).toEqual(1)
  expect((queryBuilder.getMany as SinonStub).callCount).toEqual(0) // just to test if we call this method or not

There is some gotcha here. You have to use one of these methods at the end of your queryBuilder in order to mock it correctly:

  • execute
  • getCount
  • getExists
  • getMany
  • getManyAndCount
  • getOne
  • getOneOrFail
  • getRawAndEntities
  • getRawMany
  • getRawOne
  • stream

This won't work!

This won’t work, e.g., as we haven’t added one of the above methods at the end of queryBuilder.

it('should return the correct user', async () => {
  const typeorm = new MockTypeORM()
  typeorm.onMock(User).toReturn('user', 'select')

  const queryBuilder = dataSource.createQueryBuilder(User, 'user')
  const user = await queryBuilder.where('user.id = 1').select()


If you want to support other methods, e.g., select, then create an issue in GitHub, and I’ll make it a part of the package as well. I am not very familiar with queryBuilder, so by looking at the documentation, I think we always need the above methods at the end of queryBuilder. But don’t worry, if you need other methods, I’ll quickly fix it for sure.

Mock Transaction