Community & Support

Submit an Issue

If you notice that a specific feature or method isn't mocked yet, or if you encounter any issues while using the package, please submit an issue on GitHub. Providing detailed information about the missing feature or the issue you're facing will help us understand your needs better.

By submitting an issue, you contribute to the improvement of this package. Not only will I be able to look into it, but other contributors from the community might also step in to help add the required features or resolve the problem. Collaboration is key to making this package more robust and useful for everyone.

To submit an issue, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the GitHub repository for Mock TypeORM.
  2. Click on the "Issues" tab.
  3. Click the "New issue" button.
  4. Provide a clear and descriptive title for your issue.
  5. In the description, include as much detail as possible. If it's a missing feature, describe the feature and how you expect it to work. If it's a bug, describe the steps to reproduce the issue, your environment, and any relevant code snippets or error messages.

Your contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping improve Mock TypeORM!
